
Applied at Fruiting

Foliar Nutrient Combo

At DeltAg, we have, for the past 20 years, recommended a standard Tank Mix during heavy fruiting and/or sizing on many crops. This Tank Mix requires three premier DeltAg products:

  • Potassium Plus @ 32 Oz
  • PercPlus @ 8 Oz 
  • Boron Plus @ 4 Oz 

This product combination has been proven with great success for many years on rice, cotton, soybeans, wheat, corn, vegetables and others.

DeltAg formulated CropKarb as a replacement for this combination but at a lower overall application rate of 32 Oz/acre. This allows for the same great combination with less confusion, less mixing and fewer jugs.


CropKarb works by delivering key nutrients as well as a supplemental mobile carbon source during fruiting stages of your crop. CropKarb is often applied with fungicides on many crops.